DO Yu Productions 4 Year Anniversary Party

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of being one of the photographers for DO Yu Productions’ 4 year anniversary party. This event took place at the beautiful Secret Garden Loft in Hollywood. During the event, Josiah Yu, who is the founder of DO Yu Productions’ shared a little bit about how he started his own film production company and the struggles that he had to overcome to get to the point where he is at today. It was a night filled with laughter and emotions as we got to witness the first trailer for their upcoming short film “Music of Time” which will be released next month and submitted into the Sundance Film Festival. Check out their website through the link below.

DO Yu Productions

Primary Photographer: Genesis Ilada

Secondary Photographer: Makito Umekita Photography

Venue: Secret Garden Loft

Thanks for letting me be a part of this team. Excited to see what the future holds for DO Yu Productions!